Upland Season
Dig out the shotgun and throw a few clay birds…. It’s that time again!!!!
Upland game season begins on the first Friday in November. Always check with ODNR for exact dates and times for all hunting seasons. Again, this season, Opening Day and Thanksgiving Day, will be split hunting days. A pheasant releases at appropriate times, will provide shooting for the first split of 50 hunters. The first group will hunt from 8:00 AM to 11:30AM. A second release of pheasants between splits will provide afternoon action for another 50 hunters. This group will hunt from 12:00 until 5:00 PM. As most members know, this program began last season to reduce congestion and improve safety. Only the excellent cooperation of the membership las season made this workable. THANKS!
We will again this season try to provide hunting throughout the season by making weekly releases. Several of these releases will target weekend hunters.
Please read and follow all club ground rules as well as state regulations. Check in and out using the sign-in sheet located in the clubhouse. Wear plenty of hunter orange and be careful and considerate of others.
Let’s shoot straight, harvest plenty of birds, and have a safe season!
Upland Game Ground Rules
Please check the current Club Ground Rules for complete Upland Game Rules
The Conservation committee would like to thank everyone in advance for their cooperation and wish everyone a safe and successful upland season!
Refer any inquiries regarding upland season or conservation to: conservation@gcfng.com
Additional information about hunting and fishing opportunities, seasons, and bag limits available at the ODNR Website .